RazzleTack Designs

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RazzleTack Designs
 Officially est. 2007


Custom bling tack - Bronc halters - Hand painted tack - Custom horse tack

Hand made on superior quality American tanned leather.
 Current wait time is  2-4 weeks on most custom tack sets 
(some items may be less than 2 weeks)
E-mail me for updated times - razzletack@msn.com
ready to ship custom bling horse tack

 Custom bling horse tack and bronc halters categories
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Custom bling horse tack with crystals and hand painted tack is perfect for barrel racing and other rodeo events if you want to stand out in the arena. 
My hand painted custom bling horse tack is also great for parades, drill teams, and year end awards. Custom bronc halters make great personalized gifts.


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