Spur Straps
New spur straps are ready!
Hand tooled on American tanned Wickett and Craig leather.
Basketweave with stock bling conchos - $70
With upgraded razzletack/square image or starry ice conchos $85
Upgrade to small bling/fancy cart buckles add - $15 (shown below on black and white floral strap)
Super big bling cart buckles add $25 -($110 as shown)
12 gauge straps $120 with copper hardware upgrade ($110 with silver spots)
Floral painted (leaves OR background and flower) with stock bling conchos $85
With upgraded razzletack/square image or starry ice conchos $100 Fully painted (flowers/leaves AND background) add $10 square cart buckle upgrade $15 Add super big bling cart buckles add $25 - Pearl upgrade add $10-$15 (depending on which buckle) , copper spots add $10
 $125 as shown  $110 with pearl upgrade and cart buckle upgrade (cart buckle now only available in brown finish)
 $110 as shown
Copper spot upgrade add $10 ($120 as shown)  $110 as shown