Inlay Tack sets
I can get just about any color inlay you like, just shoot me an email.
Pricing is on an individual basis and can get tricky with all the different options available, you can look at the sets below to get ideas on pricing for a finished set.
here is general pricing:
BASE price for tack/paint and spotted edge
one ear headstalls $110
widebrow headstalls $150
breastcollars $150
add price of buckles ($25 for most crystal buckles - $30 for chip buckles)
add price of conchos
general concho pricing:
most stock plain conchos are $4 each
stock bling conchos are $6-8 each
fancy chip and image conchos are $12.50 each
Most large image/chip breastcollar center conchos are $20
Copper spots may cost extra (depending on quantity)
$10 design fee for a custom design/brand concho
Crystal rivets are $1.00 each for lg, 60 cents for small, but I can do qty discounts if you get all the bells and whistles.
pearl rivets - 1.75 each
Some conchos with extra bling/turquoise diamond/pearls may cost more
$10 design fee for a custom design/brand concho

$385 turquoise inlay black leather Tooled feather inlay tack set - $400 can do other color inlay or feathers

Tooled sugar skulls tack set in medium and light purple breastcollar $215 headstall $180, other colors/multicolor can be done

Bone and Black cross chip tack set $435

$395 copper indian head tack set

$400 cross and bone inlay tack set

palomino & copper inlay tack set

$225 custom inlay full brow headstall with stock bling conchos.

black copper and pearl daisy inlay set

$375 inlay cross stamped set with chip and daisy conchos
Black inlay with turquoise 12 gauge set
Full browband Headstall $260, breastcollar $235
12 gauge inlay tack set with pinwheel conchos and black rivets
$175 - 12 gauge chip headstall with bullet side.

Red white and blue inlay headstall with crystals in cheeks $165(any color shceme)

Black inlay tack set with bling conchos (custom design in middle)
*I am now using a larger stud on the inlay like the blue set above)
$225 for browband headstall (one ear $175) breastcollar $205

Giddy up pinup inlay headstall $185

Tooled paisley cross purple and teal tack set headstall - $175, breastcollar - $205

"Fight like a girl" black inlay one ear $185 breastcollar $215
 black inlay 12 gauge $180 one ear headstall

Black inlay with blue-green turquoise cross/chip conchos
One ear $190, breastcollar $220

$190 headstall $215 breastcollar - tack set copper stud and turquoise chip faith set

$185 headstall and $205 breastcollar tack set with silver stud and turquoise chip faith set

Black inlay cross set with black chip cross Conchos - Headstall - $195 Breastcollar $230
